
2012-04-01 08:41 楼主
Teas - to make the best quality herbal teas you need to start with top quality herbs. Make sure you know your source and are sure the herbs are chemical free. Store dried herbs in dark jars in a dry, cool place. Fresh herb should be used within a day or two of picking and stored in the fridge until used. Once you have brewed a tea, you can store it in the fridge for a few days at a time and reheat (if desired) on the stove. Do not reheat in the microwave! This will effect the therapeutic actions of the herbs. Herb teas can be stored loose and used with a tea ball or strainer or they can be put into tea bags (called press n' brew bags) or muslin bags. Medicinal teas appear to be best when prepared loose while pleasure teas work well in whatever form they are prepared.

请注意,这里特别提出草药茶是不能用微波炉加热的,否则会影响功效。这一点也该适用于中药汤药,不要光图省事而影响了药效。 herbal_tea.jpg
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2012-04-01 20:06 2楼
微波炉不能用来加热中药, 非常重要的信息, 谢谢版主
2012-04-02 01:20 3楼
ctcmy101 说:
微波炉不能用来加热中药, 非常重要的信息, 谢谢版主

⬅ 我的癔想症--------因果关系。 老茶馆 洒点胡椒面,介绍点西方草药常识-2 - 带译文 ➡